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Spring Open House

The Spirit Lake Fire Protection District Spring Open House is scheduled on

Saturday, June 17, 2023

10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Station 1, 32168 N 6th Avenue, Spirit Lake

Fun events, including:

  • Activities for kids, where they learn the functions and tasks of a firefighter

  • Fire apparatus

  • Fire station tours with your firefighters

  • Fire safety information

  • New fire engine push-in ceremony at 11 a.m.*

  • Free hot dogs grilled by the Spirit Lake Fire Board of Commissioners

  • Opportunity to purchase Spirit Lake Fire T-shirts and challenge coins

*Push-in ceremony at 11 a.m.

Join us as we push our new fire engine into Station 1 bay. The fire engine push-in ceremony is a time-honored tradition in the fire service, celebrating the arrival of a new fire truck at the fire station. It originated from the days when fire trucks were horse-drawn or hand-drawn and had to be pushed into the station after a call.

We hope to see you there!

June 14

Board of Commissioners Meeting

June 21

Board of Commissioners Meeting